How do I use notification types?
Notification types can be used to structure and plan tasks, which need to be executed by the supervisors or the administrator.
You can create your own notifications or use the ones already existing to remind your administrator, or supervisors, of secondary tasks over the course of a day.
In this article, you will learn about:
General notification types
These are the standardized notification types available:
Change salary and employment conditions |
Check criminal records |
Check passport |
Check tax card |
Check uniforms and ID cards |
Check work and residence permit |
Conduct audits |
Conduct employee development interview |
Contract renewal |
Control cleaning rooms |
Control eye wash |
Control safety data sheets |
Perform workplace assessment |
Remember birthday |
Remember the ad hoc assignment |
Usage of notification types
In order to use notification types, you have to create notifications for your employees or customers, in the customer and employee section of the system.
All notifications will be sent at 07:15 am on the chosen date.
INFO: A notification added to an employee can be sent to either the administrator, all supervisors, or both. A notification added to a customer can be sent to the administrator, the supervisors connected to the customer, or both. For more information regarding this, go to Company Structure. |
Organization of notification types
Here, you can read more about how you edit your notification types:
Creating notification types |
Editing notification types |
Deleting notification types |
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