How do I assign a customer area?
Once a customer area has been created, it is possible to assign it to a supervisor and/or a customer. A supervisor can have all areas assigned to them, or only some. The important thing is that if a supervisor is created in the system, they must be assigned an area. A customer can only be associated with a single area.
Read more in the article about how the Administrator assigns a customer area to a supervisor:
How to assign a supervisor to an area
Click on Company structure | ||
Check off all the areas that the relevant supervisor must handle and click Save.
Employee C can now manage and view customers in this area. |
How to assign an area to a customer
Click on Customers > Customer list | ||
Then click on Edit customer |
Click on the dropdown menu next to Area |
It will be possible to choose which area a customer belongs to and if a specific area is not selected, the customer will automatically be assigned to the main area.
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