How do I create closing days?
In the new calendar, you can create closing days for customers, including assigning closing days only to a specific location for the customer.
When creating a closing day, you can also cancel all tasks for the given customer and inform your employees of the cancellation.
How to create a closing day
In the menu, go to Scheduling > Calendar | |
Click on New calendar | |
Click on Functions |
Select Create closing day |
Open the dropdown menu for Customer | |
Select the customer that you want to create a closing day for (you can also select multiple customers) | |
Deselect any locations that you do not want to create a closing day for | |
Enter a start and end date for the closing period |
Check off Cancel tasks to cancel all tasks within the closing period | |
Check off Notify employees to notify your employees of the cancellation | |
Click on Save to finish | |
The closing day is now created, the task is canceled, and your employees have been notified | |
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