How do I delete a customer from the customer list?
Do you have a customer in your customer list that you no longer clean for? By deleting the customer, they can no longer be selected for tasks in the calendar.
Only the administrator and supervisors can delete customers. Once deleted, the customer will be moved to the archive.
NOTE: A supervisor can only delete customers within their assigned areas. For more information regarding this, go to Company Structure. |
In this article, you will learn how to delete customers and where to locate the archive:
This is how you delete a customer
In the menu, go to Customers > Customer list |
Click on Delete customer |
If a customer has access to the system, you can notify them that their access has been revoked in an e-mail |
Click on Accept to remove the customer from the customer list |
This is how you find deleted customers in the archive
Continue to the article: How do I restore a deleted customer?
Here, you can learn more about finding and restoring deleted customers from the archive.
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